Friday, February 6, 2009

Watch OUT Megan is now driving!!!!

I know that I should not be surprised but Megan got her temps and is now driving anytime she can get behind the wheel. Which is not often enough for her. Many of you know Curt was in a bad accident in mid January and totaled our truck. So we are using a rental temporally, and they won't let her drive that!!! Smart people! lol Actually she is doing pretty well. Yesterday her best friend passed out in class and was taken to the hospital- from there they airlifted her to Marshfield. She has a brain tummor about twice the size of a walnut. So please keep Brittney in your prayers. And Maggie too, she is having a hard time right now while her best friend suffers.

I know that my troubles which at times seem surmountable (especially lately) are just mere annoyences- but to add to the list this morning our water was froze!!!!!!!! I can't wait for summer.

Last week I had a class where we made pet books- here is a sample of the dog. This class was so much fun and who would not love one of these books? Here is a picture. Also I am working on the cookbook class coming up- this one is going to be great.

Oh- I also attached another picture of little miss driving megan taken at her last photo shoot!